There are things that children/young people should do to live healthy and happy lives – healthy eating and healthy drinking contribute to this.
There is a lot of diet and nutritional advice in the media. Unfortunately not all of it is based on the most up-to-date scientific evidence.
Dietitians are the only qualified health professionals that provide assessment and advice about diet to prevent and improve health.
Studies have shown how changes to our diet can help prevent or control a variety of health problems for example obesity, diabetes and heart disease.
To find out about Dietitian’s, and the dietetics service across ABUHB please use the following links:
Dietetics Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and Weight Management Service Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
There is a dedicated Early Years Dietitian in Public Health who delivers training to health board staff and community groups, if you work with children and are interested in attending training please email:
If you work within a childcare setting please see:
Welsh Gov Best practice guidance for settings Food and nutrition for childcare providers – menus and recipes | GOV.WALES