The MSK Therapy Hub is a resource to support people with bone, muscle and joint concerns. All requests for help from people living in Aneurin Bevan University Hospital Health Board and bone, muscle and joint referrals from GP’s, practice nurses, pharmacists to therapy services are sent to this team.
The team that work as part of the MSK Therapy Hub are podiatrists, physiotherapists, dietitians, exercise professionals and administrators. The team is based in Newport, and contact people over the phone or using video calls and do not see people face to face.
People can complete a request for help from the website. If you are unable to complete this form electronically and would like assistance, please contact 0300 3732539 (Monday to Friday) and one of our team will help you.
The team of administrators and therapists who work in the ‘MSK hub’ will read the information you have provided about yourself. With your agreement, the clinicians will also look at your electronic health records and previous investigations to gain a full picture of your concern and your needs.
It is sometimes necessary for the administrative team or clinicians to contact you to ask you further questions. This will be to help them understand how best to support you.
There are a number of different ways that you can be supported to manage your muscle, joint or bone concern. Below are some examples of the types of help that can be offered:
- Provide the right information and advice so that you can confidently manage your concern yourself
- Provide information on community support groups that you may wish to connect with
- Provide information on community-based activity/exercise groups that you may wish to attend e.g. yoga classes or Good Boost
- Referral to a community based rehabilitation team
- Referral to the falls service
- Referral to a hospital based team (e.g. Rheumatology, Orthopaedics, Radiology)
- Referral to physiotherapy, podiatry, weight management or dietetic services
All people who are registered with the MSK Therapy Hub will receive PROM and PREM questionnaire via text message to understand and establish the long-term impact of this change in working.