Services across Gwent:

Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisations is a Community Voluntary Organisation which is committed to strengthening the effectiveness of the Voluntary and Community Sector across Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly, Monmouthshire and Newport.

Carers Wales aim to make life better for carers; we give expert advice, information and support, ensuring that no-one has to care alone. We campaign together for lasting change endeavouring to find new ways to reach and support carers.

Carers Trust Wales exists to provide action, help and advice to carers throughout Wales. Our staff work to improve support, services and recognition for anyone living with the challenges of caring. With our local Network Partners we aim to ensure that information, advice and practical support are available to all carers across the country.

Melo Cymru

Dewis Cymru – Support for carers

Young Carers

Carers Trust – Care Aware project in Wales

Caring for a person with dementia

Care & Repair Cymru

Disability Advice Project

Sight Cymru

Mencap Cymru

Services within your local authority area:

Blaenau Gwent CBC: Carers

Caerphilly – Caring for someone

Welcome to Monmouthshire Carers Network

Carers | Newport City Council

Caring for Someone | Torfaen County Borough Council

TVA is the umbrella organisation for the Third Sector in Torfaen. They provide and promote an accessible and accurate range of support services to enhance the development and effectiveness of the Third Sector.

Torfaen Voluntary Alliance

Support and information to help people living and working in these areas; Torfaen, Newport, Monmouthshire, Caerphilly, Blaenau Gwent look after their mental wellbeing.

