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Stress, Anxiety and Mental Health and Wellbeing 

Mental Health is all about the way we are thinking, feeling, acting and coping and sometimes this can impact on the things we enjoy doing and the people we like to spend time with.

Some words we use to describe these feelings can be sad depressed, anxious, low, frightened or angry.

These feeling are often a result from what is happening in life around us such as:

  • Problems at home, school or in relationships with friends
  • Big changes in life e.g., losing someone close, changes of home or school
  • Being bullied
  • Feeling the pressure from things like school, clubs or peers
  • Low self-esteem and confidence

If we have any of these feelings it can make any pain we have feel worse

If you would like to have a printed copy of the information above, please use this link

Meditation for Kids – Headspace

Information for young people on mental health and wellbeing – Mind

Anxiety UK

The Calm Zone – Campaign Against Living Miserably


Cosmic Kids
