Arthritis and musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions affect over 17 million people across the UK. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are conditions that affect the nerves, tendons, muscles and supporting structures and they are related to a number of other health conditions.

Pain and restricted mobility are the main features of a range of musculoskeletal conditions. As people get older, the risk of having an MSK condition rises. Women are generally at greater risk of problems with their bones, muscles and joints than men. In many cases MSK conditions interfere with our ability to carry-out normal, day-to-day activities. Your musculoskeletal health is intrinsically linked to your lifestyle.

How we are made

The musculoskeletal system is made up bones, muscles, joints, cartilage, tendons and ligaments. The bones provide the body with a framework, giving it shape and support. Bones also protect the internal organs such as the lungs and liver. Muscles make movement of a body part possible. Joints, cartilage, tendons and ligaments connect the bones and muscles in the body together.

A child’s musculoskeletal system continues to grow and develop throughout childhood and sometimes growth continues into early adulthood. There are growth plates that are active in all bones during the growing years. These growth plates become active at different times of a child’s development.

How we develop

Children grow and develop rapidly especially in their first five years and during puberty. The four main areas of development are motor (physical), communication and language, cognitive (understanding), and social and emotional.

Motor development means the physical growth and strengthening of a child’s bones, muscles and the ability to move. A child’s motor development can be either fine or gross motor. Fine motor skills involve the small movements of the hands, wrists, fingers, feet and toes these movements help with skills such as feeding, picking up objects, dressing and writing. Gross motor skills involve motor development and control of muscles, balance and co-ordination needed to enable children to hold up their heads, sit and crawl, and eventually walk, run, jump and skip.

Motor development is important throughout a child’s early life, and physical development is linked to other developmental areas. For example, if a child can crawl or walk, they can move to explore their physical environment, which helps their cognitive development.

As children grow and develop, they meet developmental milestones, these are like a checklist that show us what an average child can do at a certain age, however, the timings of when a child meets each milestone can vary a lot from one child to the next. Gross motor milestones include rolling, sitting, and walking.

How we move

A child’s walking pattern develops as a child grows, they do not develop an adult walking pattern until they are around 8 or 9 years of age. It is normal to see different walking patterns and falls in young children.

What activities we do and how we do them

Children develop their gross motor skills at different rates, to help children develop they must be given opportunities to be active and experience movement. There are lots of activities that you can try with your child to help them develop.  For most children the more they experience and practice a movement the easier it will become. Some children will take longer to be able to do certain activities and there may be lots of different reasons for this.

Once children can move around independently, they should be encouraged to be as active as possible in a safe and supervised play environment.

What we think and how we feel

Our thoughts and feelings influence our experience of pain and how we react to it. Being worried, anxious or depressed can make our symptoms feel worse.

Physical activity is good for mental wellbeing, building muscle and bone strength, developing balance and co-ordination and good posture. Physical activity also encourages children to learn about the world around them, helps them play with others, which in turn builds language skills, self-confidence and independence.

How fit and healthy we are

To be able to do what matters to us we need to be strong, flexible and fit enough. Our sleep and mental health can also affect how well we respond to challenges.

For children to be able to develop their movement skills and meet milestones, physical activity as well as good nutrition is essential. From an early age physical activity should be encouraged.
